Carteret, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for demographic data on the people of Carteret, New Jersey, you've come to the right place. Below you can view a chart showing the race and ethnicity of the people who live in Carteret. The majority of people in Carteret are white, although some are Asian or other races. About 39.8% of the population is Hispanic or other races. The city's poverty rate is 13.1%, and there are 11.8% of households with incomes below the poverty line. Thankfully, a majority of residents are employed.

Although the population of Carteret City is relatively small compared to other parts of the United States, the city's crime rate is lower than many others in the country. The crime rate in Carteret is 181 per 100,000 people, which is below the national average. In addition to the low crime rate, the city's low cost of living makes it a desirable place to live. Despite the low crime rate, the city is also home to a number of parks and recreational areas.

Despite these challenges, the Volunteer Fire Department in Carteret responded quickly and effectively to the blaze. The Carteret Police Force was forced to deploy extra resources and enforce a Deadline between the two neighborhoods. During the violence, a Mob attacked African Americans near Lieb Chemical Works and a patrol chased them. Several police officers responded to the disturbance, and the mob was subsequently dispersed.