Goose Creek, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following chart shows the population and steets of Goose Creek City, SC. This information can be used to help you understand the local economy. Specifically, it shows the percentage of households that own a car in Goose Creek City. The number of people who own cars in Goose Creek is fairly low, at approximately 68.6% of the total population. Similarly, households that have no cars are considered to be living below the poverty line.

In the 1670s, the local residents were the Sewee and the Etiwan people. European settlers came to the area as slave traders, but by 1715, the natives were a threat to the settlers. At this time, George Chicken, a militia colonel, led a group of 120 men, including both black and white settlers. The Etiwan Indians were not willing to leave the area, so George Chicken and his men fought to protect the settlers.

The median age in Goose Creek, SC was 31.9, with both foreign-born and native-born residents being over the same age. This means that Goose Creek is becoming a younger place - the average age was 32 in 2018 compared to 32 in 2013.

The Goose Creek population is 35,938 at the 2010 census. The population of Goose Creek was 37,677 in 2013; this means that it is almost half the size of the city as it was in 1790. This means that if you live in Goose Creek City, you are likely to experience a higher than normal proportion of elderly residents than other neighborhoods. You'll never feel lonely or isolated - this city's population is filled with people who care about their community.