South Bend, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in South 'Bend?' You may be surprised to learn that South Bend, Indiana, has a higher percentage of foreign-born residents than the rest of Indiana. Listed below are some facts about South Bend's citizens, including the racial makeup of the area. This data is useful in determining whether the area is a good choice for your family.

South Bend has a population of 102,191, according to the 2020 census. This is the fourth largest city in Indiana and the 310th largest in the United States. It is growing slowly, with a population density of only 2,435 people per square mile. However, this number may go up as efforts to attract new businesses increase. For the moment, South Bend is a good place to live and work.

Unemployment is high, but the area is still home to many immigrants. The city's unemployment rate is high, and the median household income for low-income households is nearly ten percent lower than the national average. The city is home to the largest proportion of African Americans and Hispanic residents. In South Bend, the rate of unemployment among Hispanic households is 32.9 percent, almost twice the national average.

In 1998, South Bend was a manufacturing center. Its many factories were gone, but the city still has a significant share of the country's jobs. In fact, the area is home to 64% of all professional, scientific, and technical services jobs. Additionally, it has 60% of the jobs in transportation and warehousing and fifty-four percent in information technology. These sectors provide many job opportunities, but most of them pay well.